Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Shopping in NOLA

My wife Allison and I are total food freaks..our favorite hobby is going food shopping at local cool shops. We love farmers markets, funky ethnic stores, central markets. Since being here we have checked out both the Whole Food stores, Rouses,Roberts,Langenstiens, Deanies fish market and today we went to Gretna to visit the Hong Kong Food Market...we had been seeking a fresh meat market as well as local produce. This place was a total mind blower!!!Listen up folks...I've spent most of my adult live in Fairbanks so going to a market like this one was a life changing event.I mean, striped sea bass, red snapper,mackerel, live cat fish, talapia, sushi grade tuna, beef tenderloin for 9.99 a pound!!! Live lobster 9.99/lb., live blue crab, live dungeoness crab 6.99!!!not to mention things like quail eggs, duck eggs, two yolk turkey eggs. Black skin chicken, rabbit, deer, pig testes, and every type of sauce you can't imagine... mostly oriental stuff but for fish, poultry, pork, beef and all the weird stuff with a price that in unbelievable....we hit pay dirt...
That is what we are finding here, with a little digging there nuggets of coolness everywhere...for a guy like me this truly is a land of milk and honey...strange though I keep seeing so many poor as we stood in line behind this woman who was buying bread and had three young boys who wanted ice cream. After her card cleared she couldn't afford her kids sweets and had to put them back..I felt so bad, to be so poor that you can't buy ice cream for your kids..I wish there was something I could do.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve. Just reading through your blogs. Keep it up, I'm enjoying the southern living, expecially with the 5" of white powder outside right now. I'll bet you don't see any snowplows down there!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.
