Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Short one, two things..driving in NOLA is weird..never have I lived in a city that when you come to a 4 way street you can't turn left!...you drive half a block till there is a break in the median then take a u-turn...seems we are always taking u-turns to go left!...I've noticed that when we go shopping the people shopping are all very friendly...smiling saying hello...but the employees...seem less than friendly...they don't seem very happy in their work....customer service seems to not be a priority...I feel bad for them...I was standing in line the other day behind this rather large woman, buying food for her family...I used to work for the Alaskan version on Food Stamps...so I know what little they give you to live on...after her food stamps ran out she was 3.47 shy....I just pulled out 4 bucks out of my pocket covered it and said..Momma have a Merry Christmas...the clerk...was flat affect...the woman thanked me profusely...good karma...that is one of the things I have seen here...there are a lot of very poor,uneducated,forgotten people here...pulls on my heart strings...in a country where there in such abundance,and opportunity to learn skills...to many fall between the cracks.

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