Saturday, February 13, 2010

me and my guitar2

Sometimes I wonder what it is I do. I'm 54 I started to serious study and learn the guitar at 21. That is a lot of years. A lot of music. I have spent hours and hours in front of a TV with an amp a cup of coffee and a pack of smokes learning. Playing scale after scale learning everything from Joe Pass style chord melody to Joe Satriani. Frankly I was always that guitar player where the big time was always slightly out of reach. Yet dispite that the real joy was the honor and privaledge I felt in the gift God had given me. There are so many common folk who have nothing that they excel at. I used to walk around my home town and there was always someone who my music had touched in some way. I've had a difficult life at times but that is God's forging of the fire Each of us have our story to tell I tell my children that the story of their lives have yet to be written. Their symphony is just now being composed and someday hopefully long in the future it will be performed before that heavenly host.None of us look for hard times. The world is made of trials and trouble. There is always something. What I've always tried to do was not let those trials twist me. We are here to learn grow and give. I've been blessed in that eveytime I strapped on a guitar or fixed a meal for one of my mentally ill clients I was giving. When I left Christian music after awhile God let me know that even though I wasn't"Talking Bout Jesus" I was still using the gift. And getting better at it all the time. I never got rich, never made that much money at it but I felt like I was making my world a better place. Van Goeh only sold 1 painting in his life time. Yet could we imagine a world without his gift in it? So here we are after a life time in the frozen north and I'm here in the most facinating city I've ever lived in. I have had a band that has survived 25 years with out any of us members doing a thing to keep it alive. Yet my drummer who was in fact our manager over the years would continually get calls every 4 or 6 months asking if we were ever going to record or tour again. In 2006 we played Cornerstone and a guy came up to me and said he had worn out 6 copies of our 1st cassette. He was thrilled they were out on cd. 25 years..and I just spent 18 learning my craft...God does things like that. He maintains what the Bible calls a reminant of his people for the plans he has in the future. I am reminded of the prophet Jeremiah who got so discouraged he sat beneith a tree and complained to God that all his people had turned to other Gods...the Word of the Lord came to him and God said "Get up shake yourself because there are ar8,000 jews who have not bowed down to the image of Baal"...does this apply to me? I can't say but 25 years ago God gave me the name of my band and we were and still are called "Stevie and the SAINTS" if you look back at pics from the 80's we didn't even look like an LA band we looked like should have been here. In 2006 we started a new cd it should be out at some point the Word says...Isa 55:9 My thoughts are not your thoughts neither are my ways your ways. As the heavans are higher than your ways so are my ways higher than yours...God paints on a Galactic Canvas...we'll see what masterpiece he makes of all this.

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