Sunday, June 19, 2011

Been a long time....much has happened...

I know it has been a very long time since I posted. Frankly I've been occupied with survival. NOLA has been a challenge to say the least. But there has been a whole new element to my being here that I have been involved in and frankly consumed by. I have been unemployed now since June of 2009..been unemployed here since 12/13/2010..the longest period in my life..I will share my impressions and thoughts about what I believe on a Global scale what in the spiritual realm has transpired.
I sat here a year and half ago recovering from a near death experience where I had gotten sick wound up in the hospital with a collapsed lung...11 days later and $83,000(which God would totally free me from) I was home doped up on pain pills when I received a simple little gift that would be the match that would ignite a fire in my soul. My mother-In Law's best friend sent me a little devotional..."Jesus Calling"..simple and direct. In times past I had always loved study of God's word but I had never consistently worked out of a devotional. I had been a far from God for many years..lost and as the saying says"Dust on the Bible in drought on the soul". Such was my life for far to many years than I care to admit. Around 2006 I had made a re commitment of my life to Christ but it wouldn't be till I moved here that that act would truly begin to bear fruit.
As I looked for work once I recovered I began to slowly but consistently read my devotional and my bible everyday...God began to speak to me..his word began to become alive and address what was happening to me and what I was facing the days began to intensify..revelation began to come..whole new concepts and ideas began to take place in my thinking. At times I would sit here on my couch with my jaw in my lap over what God was revealing to me..and so many times through out my day while I looked for work,out in the community or what ever His Word o me,what He was trying to say to me would come at me from all directions.different subjects,a book,a casual conversation,the same verse..several times a was uncanny..I began to anticipate each morning what He would show me that day..I became addicted to his word.(still am) My thinking,speaking and perception of life had begun to be completely re-booted..although as of this writing not a thing has changed in my circumstances..but God has changed me and is changing me from the inside out..which is how God does things..He changes you first before He changes anything else. So I will begin in future posts to share what I believe God has been showing me..s